Our firm is composed of professionals who have completed the best LegalTech Master’s program in our country, offered by the International University of La Rioja. (see more about our educational offerings), enabling us to apply technology to the vast majority of legal services.

We possess the technical concepts, legal implications, potential applications of technologies to the practice of law, and programming knowledge necessary for lawyers and legal operators to stay at the forefront.

According to the 2021 Gartner Report “Legal Technology Predictions Report,” by 2024, legal departments will automate 50% of the work involved in their business transactions. Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, process and document automation, Blockchain, and Cloud Computing will be key to the future of the legal function.

Our firm has been training, applying, and implementing these technologies in the companies we serve long before now, as we are always at the cutting edge of education and technology.

Being experts in legal digital tools, placing the client at the center, and improving process efficiency have been challenges our firm has embraced since its inception. After the pandemic, there’s no room for improvised solutions—the technological change must be radical, and for us, it is.

We conduct and develop a Legal Self-Diagnosis for your company, create a LegalTech selection, and design a Digital Legal Transformation Plan for your business.

All of this is done through Legal Design Thinking and Legal Project Management.

We implement Client Acquisition techniques: brand creation, positioning to attract the new online consumer, and various Marketplaces.

Mastering Tools for Knowledge Management and Client Relationship Management is crucial.

Legal technology incubators and accelerators are emerging worldwide. In Spain alone, we already have more than 140 legal-tech companies (Legal Week).

And you, are you ready to make the leap into the digital world? Have you started applying legal technologies? Do you know what types of technological solutions exist to be more efficient? Do you know how they are changing the traditional practice of law? Do you know how they can help you? Do you know what criteria to follow to select those that best suit your needs?

At our firm, we can help you find answers to all these questions.

Our Firm specializes in:

  • Blockchain and Smart Legal Contracts
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Governance and Security: Big Data and Cybersecurity
  • Automation of document management, legal operations, and contracts
  • Digital Identity, Digital Evidence, and E-discovery
  • Cloud Computing
  • Programming Languages, Networks, APIs, and Cryptography

Do not hesitate to contact us if you want your company to be at the forefront of implemented legal services.

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