Legal Retainers are the simplest way to have a lawyer by your side at all times—not just when a problem arises, but beforehand, to precisely avoid many inconveniences.

At Our Firm, we believe that preventive law is crucial. To achieve this, analyzing the situation is key.

Our entire team meticulously reviews all documentation, thoroughly examines the facts presented to us, and finally establishes a strategy to follow.


  • Agreements. Negotiations with clients, suppliers, partners, banks, and third parties in general to protect our position in the business we conduct.
  • Contracts. Drafting contracts or modifying existing clauses to prevent future problems or resolve current ones.
  • Deeds. Formalizing all types of documentation to reinforce agreements made against third parties, with their publication and registration.


  • Discuss with the parties and document the agreements made to resolve the issue.
  • Submit the conflict to mediation and formalize the solution before a notary.
  • If none of the above is possible, assert the client’s rights in court, but always as a last resort.

By signing up for our legal retainers, you will receive:

For a fixed monthly fee, you will have access to almost all the issues covered in one of the retainers, and in others, all the mentioned matters are included. However, the most important and frequent issues are included even in the most basic plan.

This way, you save on surprises, time, frustration, and a lot of money:

When you sign up for our legal retainers, to give you an idea, when you add up the total issues included plus the savings in procedures, we’re talking about thousands of euros saved by the end of the year, and the peace of mind of having your trusted lawyer just a phone call away.

Feel protected at all times, and when you need something more substantial, benefit from the significant discount offered by having a retainer.

Ask us about our monthly retainers, and we will be happy to advise you on which one best suits your circumstances and needs. If necessary, we will create a personalized legal retainer for you.


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