At Claver & Egler Abogados, we have extensive experience in Business Advisory and Company Formation.

Our DNA is one hundred percent entrepreneurial, with more than eighteen years united and committed to entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs.

Our Firm not only has the best professionals to advise you on all the procedures for the formation, management, and advisory of companies; with us, you find much more. A traveling companion who has always walked alongside business projects—we have taken the same steps that you are about to take now.

For this reason, we take on your project from scratch, with the same passion and enthusiasm that you have invested in it.

We help you take off by handling all the necessary procedures for your incorporation: assistance, deeds, bylaws, contracts, registrations…

But we go much further, offering strategic vision, assistance, and advice that we can provide from our legal and business experience.

We also perform what we like to call “PREVENTIVE LAW,” meaning that we analyze and study the project from the ground up, equipping it with all the legal tools to minimize problems during the course of the activity. And if problems do arise, their impact is minimized by being legally prepared for any type of scenario, thus saving you stress, time, and, not least importantly, protecting your finances.

And if we have contributed to launching and growing your dream, we want to accompany you throughout the life and day-to-day operations of your company, so that you feel the presence of your Lawyer by your side, feeling protected at all times and in all circumstances.

Do not hesitate, if you have a project, an idea—in short, a dream—we will help you materialize it and protect it.

However, if your company is already up and running, do not hesitate to count on us if you are interested in having us thoroughly analyze it and see how it can improve and implement the legal aspects of your business, to safeguard your rights and interests and improve its development in the commercial market.

We offer Business Management in its three fundamental areas: Labor, Accounting, and Taxation.

  • Payroll and social security management, including registrations/deregistrations in social security, contract drafting, social security management, and severance settlement.
  • Preparation of the company’s accounting, including the closing of the financial year and the submission of annual accounts.
  • Settlement and processing of all taxes on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis at all levels. Debt management with AEAT and response to requirements from the same.

We improve your company’s profitability, providing peace of mind to your business management by operating in all sectors of activity.

We will be happy to assist you; you just need to contact us HERE


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